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Why should I choose CowMed monitoring?

Understand how the behavior of your cows can help you and your farm increase your profitability

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Mais vacas prenhes

More pregnant cows

Receive alerts of animals in heat with the best time to inseminate them and improve the strength of your herd.

Mais vacas produzindo

More cows producing

With early health alert, you identify anomalies and act preventively by reducing animal disposal.

Mais tempo pra você

More Time for You

Monitoring accompanies your cows 24 hours a day, and you still have professionals helping you daily.


How Cowmed can help you and your farm?

Estrus detection, health issue alerts, nutritional monitoring and much more.

Monitoring Collars

They monitor rumination, activity, idleness and panting behavior 24 hours a day.


Our virtual intelligence acts as an assistant to the producer, helping and providing guidance on farm routines.

Estrus alert

Estrus detection with an accuracy rate above 90%, identifying the beginning of the behavior and providing guidance on the best time to inseminate.

Health Alert

Early disease warning, identifying health problems at three levels of intensity: challenge (mild), observation (medium) and severe (high).

Birth Alert

Identifies behaviors that precede delivery, alerting farm professionals to the animal's need for attention.

Cow Analytics

Statistical analysis and projections of your herd helping you to make better decisions based on your farm data.

Batch Consumption

It evaluates and monitors consumption peaks in a detailed way, being able to adjust the supply of diets according to the response of the lots

Zootechnical Management

Reproductive, sanitary, nutritional and production management of the animals on your farm, in a simple, agile and easy way.

heat stress

Track your farm's THI index of heat stress, temperature and humidity, and know the best times for bathing and ventilation.

Animais confinados monitorados
Gráficos informativos do comportamento dos animais.

We were born to facilitate and improve
the producer's life

From the start, this has always been the main concern of our team: to develop solutions that go beyond the direct benefit, but that help producers, employees and technicians to optimize and qualify decision-making on farms in Brazil.

In addition to maintaining its ability to develop cutting-edge technologies for livestock, it added the generation, qualification and retention of knowledge on the farm, where the data obtained widely analyzed and transformed into information that helps farm professionals to make better decisions.






Cow hours monitored

Our differential

Specialists dedicated to the success of your farm

More than offering a service, we care about the success of your farm in the use of technology. For this, each CowMed farm can count on an account manager who monitors and qualifies the farm team.

Professional Ramping

Professional customer journey, with a technical team and qualified teachers accompanying you at every stage. Certified and periodic training, as well as help and support platforms.

Professional follow-up

Technical team available daily through the service channels formed by qualified Zootechnicians and Veterinarians.

Active Technical Support and Full Warranty

Constant and active monitoring for
the perfect operation of the system on your farm.

Animais confinados monitorados

Behavior of Cows in the Transition Period

We have prepared special content for you who want to know more about the behavior of cows that go through a successful transition period compared to others that present different postpartum challenges.

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Prices and Plans

Discover Our Plans


Monthly planl



,00/ Month
  • Simple and uncomplicated zootechnical management, including Cow Analytics, App and the VIC Assistant. There is no animal limit.
  • Free Trial for 30 days
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CowMed Monitoring

Monthly Plan by Collar


  • 24/7 monitoring of your herd, complete zootechnical management system for the farm, Android and iOS App, Cow Analytics and VIC Assistant.
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Business Packages

For companies and producer groups


  • Special packages for companies, cooperatives and producer groups in order to make our products available to their customers and partners.
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Sucess histories

What our customers say

Marjorie Guellar / Fazenda Bom Sucesso

Marjorie Ghellar

Fazenda Bom Sucesso

"Today I can predict any anomaly 3 to 4 days in advice, follow the evolution of the animals and treatment, healing them more quickly. Where before I had to be paying attention to 150 cows all the time, now I can focus on those that really need my attention."

Nelci Mainardes

Rancho Mainardes

"I receive alerts from Cowmed about the health of animals daily on my cell phone, whether I’m in Curitiba, United States or anyhere in the world"

Maristela Giacomolli

Agropecuária São José

"We can point out the excellent servisse provided by Cowmed to the property, always inovating and modifyng the sistem better serve us. For us, Cowmed is a great tool for production and health control. We Always follow the charts, notifications and feed the system daily.”

Nédio Genario

Cabanha Genário

“It’s become routine for me, Every morning the first thing I do is look at the alerts and the cow’s estrus and health charts. I think that if I don’t have the Cowmed system I won’t be safe anymore, because it seems that something is missing, it’s a tool that I can’t live without anymore, in addition have a good financial return”

Eduardo Kuntzer

Tambo das Malhadas

"With the collars, we were able to antecipate the treatment to not let the animal die. The system Always acuses before the animal gets really bad. So, many times we went there and examined for ourselfs and the mucosa was already pale, the animal was a litle feverish, without voracity When it comes to feeding."

Ricardo Komagome

Fazenda Várzea Grande

"The Cowmed system also helps in the reproduction of the farm because even from a distance we can, with the estrus alerts, inseminate the animals. The farm’s service rate has improved and consequently the conception rate has increased.”

Fernando Barboza

Fazenda Real

“We like to joke around the farm that monitoring works as a 24/7 helper, and this has made our service rate improve and the discard rate decrease. So we conclueded that monitorindg is a tool that helps a lot in everyday life, as long as it is aligned with well trained people, balanced diet and animal welfare, this has brought good results.”.

Robinho Yurkorski

Leitaria Yurkoski

"The system comes to bring us closer to our own cow. So if you have a systems today that offers you all the monitoring, health, activity, all the heat stress. So getting into the Cowmed system is a great alternative for everyone who likes cows and is into the business.”

João Brenner

Engenho Velho

"Reproduction is a critical process for the profitability of the farm. Cowmed has been a first line partner in this particular, providing daily, qualified information about the health of the animals and the correct moment of insemination, valuing even more the execution work from the farm team. The numbers speak for themselves!”

Maiara Neuberger

Agropecuária Neuberger

"We observed that the Cowmed monitoring system, in terms of health, helps a lot with health alerts, it shows us accurate information, because the cow’s activity, the animals idle time and rumination are measured, and so on. We managed to get in early and effective medication. They are alerts that range from animals under observation to animals in serious condition.".

Near to you

Present in the main milk producing regions